About the Domaine Chaouat delicatessen

The Domaine Chaouat delicatessen was created in April 2014 by Mehdi Chaouat with the aim of offering products from the family estate or from farmers respecting our values.
Fresh natural products from organic farming, local ingredients worked or transformed in an artisanal way and respecting traditions.

Our values ​​:
* HEALTHY products, essential for a diet that provides pleasure and good health,
* products without chemical inputs or GMOs,
* products respecting seasonality,
* SHORT CIRCUITS involving direct sales from producer to consumer or with at most one intermediary,
* an ETHICAL approach with respect for the environment
with decent remuneration for producers
while offering fair prices to consumers.

Our flagship product:
Oualidia fleur de sel, plain or flavored, very appreciated by both our national and international chefs.

Our founder:
Mehdi Chaouat holds a state-accredited diploma as a technician specializing in international cuisine.